Daikon Radish – How to Prepare and Use

A new veggie to me during this weight loss journey is the Daikon Radish–most easily found at Asian markets or in the ‘specialty veggie’ section of some grocery stores (Winco usually has them).  I had read that some folks like to use them for a potato substitute–so I tried it in a few things and …

Empowering Passwords

I work on computers–all day and have to enter a password for most programs/sites that I access–I’m sure many of you do too.  I had always chosen passwords based on upcoming holidays or Disney related things–until I decided about a year or so ago to make my passwords empowering phrases–it has been a very positive …

Grains – Varieties

For years I had read about the health benefits of soaking/sprouting different grains–for some it’s to reduce phytates, for others its to increase their bio-availability and help reduce their impact on your glycemic load.  It all made sense – but I rarely remembered to soak or sprout when preparing grains I would use when I …